How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Dumpster in Chicagoland?

What are the factors that affect our dumpster rental prices?

Whether you're in need of a dumpster rental in Oak Lawn/South ChicagoDes Plaines, Wheaton, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Geneva, Rosement or anywhere else in the Chicagoland area, when investigating your local dumpster rental prices, you need to account for several factors that go into your rental quotes; these factors would include:

  • What dumpster size do you need?
  • How many days will you need the container?
  • What trash are you throwing in the container?
  • Where in Chicagoland do you live?
  • How much does it cost to dump trash at your local landfill(s)

All these factors would calculate into an accurate quote from a local dumpster rental provider

Please note, prices may vary and are based off a 7-day rental

Bin There Dump That Adds Value To Our Dumpster Rental Prices

While researching local dumpster rental prices, you'll want to look at who's adding additional value to your investment in a rental. Bin There Dump That can add value to your rental by:
  • Expert Dumpster Consultants collaborate with you on dumpster size for your project
  • Same Day Delivery Service for your dumpster rental
  • Dumpsters with Walk-in double doors for easy access and loading
  • Driveway Protection System that prevents damage to your property
  • Dumpster Delivery Experts sweep driveway when dumpster is picked up
  • Exceptionally friendly, prompt, and professional customer service

If you're ready to rent a dumpster with Bin There Dump That, please contact our Dumpster Consultants today at 847-957-3777.

Dumpster SizeMax CapacityStandard DimensionsTotal Cubic Volume
4 Yard Dumpster 1.24 Max Tons 10 ft x 2 ft x 5.5 ft 4 Cubic Yards
6 Yard Dumpster 1.75 Max Tons 10 ft x 3 ft x 5.5 ft 6 Cubic Yards
10 Yard Dumpster 2.5 Max Tons 10 ft x 4 ft x 7 ft 10 Cubic Yards
15 Yard Dumpster 3.25 Max Tons 11 ft x 4.5 ft x 8 ft 14.8 Cubic Yards
20 Yard Dumpster 4 Max Tons 11 ft x 6 ft x 8 ft 20 Cubic Yards

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 6' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Same Day dumpster rental delivery
Starting At Reserve Now

14 Cubic Yard Dumpster

14 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 4.5' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Same Day dumpster rental delivery
Starting At Reserve Now

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 7' wide, 4' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Same Day dumpster rental delivery
Starting At Reserve Now

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 3' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Same Day dumpster rental delivery

4 Cubic Yard Dumpster

4 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 2' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Same Day dumpster rental delivery